Στη βιβλιοθήκητων μελών μας στο φάκελο «Hand books» θα βρείτε εγχειρίδιο με την ονομασία «Market trends in selected refrigeration and air conditioning sub sectors » Contents Executive Summary 1 Introduction 1.1 The Challenge 1.2 Environmental impact of the RAC sectors 1.3 “Green Cooling Technologies” 1.4 The Technology Mechanism (UNFCCC) 1.5 Stakeholders in the RAC sectors 1.6 The Green Cooling Initiative (GCI) 1.7 Content overview 2 Stakeholders and Networks 2.1 The private sector 2.1.1Manufacturers 2.1.2End-users 2.1.3Associations 2.1.4Financial institutions (private sector) 2.1.5Standardisation bodies 2.2 The public sector 2.2.1Governments and government institutions 2.2.2Development agencies and financing organisations (public sector) 2.3 Civil society 2.3.1Non-governmental organisations (NGO) 2.3.2Consumers 2.3.3 Universities and research institutes 2.3.4Media 2.4 Sector transformation 2.4.1Two examples: Sector transformation in MAC and domestic refrigeration 2.4.2Overview of stakeholders and dynamics in the focus subsectors of this study 2.5 The role of networks 3 Background on subsector analysis 3.1 Subsectorcharacterisation 3.1.1 Direct and indirect emissions 3.1.2 Emission reduction potentials 3.1.3 Lifetime CO2 emission calculations 3.1.4 Regulations and standards 3.2 Production and demand 3.2.1 Methodology to derive production and demand 3.2.2 Estimating current and future numbers ofappliances in use, unit sales, and emissions 4 Unitary air conditioning (UAC) 4.1 Subsector characterisation 4.1.1 Overview 4.1.2 Energy efficiency trends 4.2 International and nationalregulations 4.3 Scope of improvement 4.3.1 Alternative technologies - refrigerants 4.3.2 Energy efficiency 4.3.3 Reducing cooling needs 4.3.4 CO2 emissions over lifetime 4.4 Production and Demand 4.4.1 Overview 4.4.2 Demand 4.4.3 Production 4.4.1 Future demand and stock 4.4.2 Global GHG emissions and reduction potential 4.4.3 Market situation and technology options inkey-focus markets (China, India and Brazil) 4.5 Conclusion 5 Mobileair conditioning (MAC) 5.1 Subsector characterisation 5.1.1 Overview 5.1.2 Energy efficiency trends 5.2 International and nationalregulations 5.3 Scope of Improvement 5.3.1 Alternative Technologies - refrigerants 5.3.2 Energy efficiency 5.3.3 Reducing coolingneeds 5.3.4 CO2 emissions over life time 5.4 Production and demand 5.4.1 Overview 5.4.2 Demand 5.4.3 Production 5.4.4 Future demand 5.4.5 Future emissions 5.5 Conclusion 6 Chillers 6.1 Subsector characterisation 6.1.1 Overview 6.1.2 Energy efficiency trends 6.2 International and nationalregulations 6.2.1 Alternative technologies/refrigerants 6.2.2 Indirect emissions 6.2.3 Reducing cooling needs 6.2.4 CO2 emissions over lifetime 6.3 Production and demand 6.3.1 Overview 6.3.2 Demand 6.3.3 Production 6.4 Conclusion 7 References. 8 Annex [ΠΗΓΗ:http://www.green-cooling-initiative.org/] |