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EPEE hosted industry roundtable debates key issues concerning Europe’s energy sector including the energy label, heating & cooling, and F-gas.

The European Partnership for Energy and the Environment (EPEE) hosted event entitled “From HFCs, Heating & Cooling, to Energy Labelling: Europe’s Energy Challenges for 2016 and beyond” brought together representatives from industry, the EU Institutions, Member States, and other stakeholders and provided an informal setting for open debate.

“Today was about coming together to share knowledge and learn how different stakeholders are approaching some crucial energy topics for the heating, cooling, and refrigeration industry,”said EPEE Director General Andrea Voigt.

The event was timed to enable participants to find out more about the latest EU initiatives in the pipeline with regard to heating and cooling and F-Gas, as well as the progress achieved to date regarding the Energy Label.

Jacek Truszczynski, Energy Attacheat the Luxembourg Permanent Representation, began by providing an update on the Council discussions regarding the Commission’s proposal on the Energy Label,adding that an agreement between EU Member States is targeted for the end of2015.

Participants quizzed MrTruszczynski on a range of issues included rescaling, explaining how the various scenarios would impact them.

Discussions then moved to heating and cooling, with Serena Pontoglio, Policy Advisor at DG Energy, European Commission, outlining where the Commission stood on its forthcoming Strategy and saying it would feed into the revisions of both the Energy Efficiency and Energy Performance of Buildings Directives next year.

Participants were encouraged to contribute to this process, and many took the floor to provide their own viewson this subject and offered to provide the Commission with some additional facts and figures to feed into the Strategy.

Andrea Voigt gave an overview ofthe implementation of the F-Gas Regulation across Europe.

During this session the Commission, in the form of DG Climate Action, responded to questions from the floor concerning, amongst others, the forthcoming Implementing Acts on labelling and certification, and also provided some clarity on some specific issues related to the F-Gas Regulation.

To end the Roundtable, GudiAlkemade, Senior Policy Advisor for climate and ozone layer protection at theDutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, talked about the current efforts to reduce HFCs under the Montreal Protocol and the state of play regarding the discussions.

She ended by calling on EPEE andits members to get more involved and play their part.

“Industry could have a role toinfluence discussions by making available low GWP alternatives, working onstandards, providing training on alternatives, and addressing barriers fortechnology uptake which are linked to intellectual property rights andtechnology transfer.

These actions would help convinceparties that a phasedown is feasible,” she said.
