Στη βιβλιοθήκη των μελών μας στο φάκελο «ECSLA» υποφάκελο «NEWSLETTERS 2015» θα βρείτε το ενημερωτικό δελτίο της ECSLA για το μήνα Μάρτιο. Περιεχόμενα τεύχους: - Ecsla spring conference in Amsterdam
- Confirmed speakers from EY and Storelink
- From the programme: Facility visit at Daalimpex in Velsen
- Trade show and sponsoring
- Fire protection for Germany’s biggest automated high – bay cold storage warehouse
- European Commission publishes F-Gas guide
- Commission adopts new energy plan
- Commission opens private storage aid for pig meat
- Find the best fire prevention solution with Tyco
- EU meat sector expected to grow despite Russian ban
- What’s the future of the food industry?
- Russia faces exceptional fall in meat imports
[ΠΗΓΗ:http://www.ecsla.eu/] |