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 Νέα > Νέα 2015 > ECSLA INDUSTRY NEWS MARCH 2015

Στη βιβλιοθήκη των μελών μας στο φάκελο «ECSLA» υποφάκελο «NEWSLETTERS 2015» θα βρείτε το ενημερωτικό δελτίο της  ECSLA για το μήνα Μάρτιο.


Περιεχόμενα τεύχους:


  1. Ecsla spring conference in Amsterdam
  2. Confirmed speakers from EY and Storelink
  3. From the programme: Facility visit at Daalimpex in Velsen
  4. Trade show and sponsoring
  5. Fire protection  for Germany’s biggest automated high – bay cold storage warehouse
  6. European Commission publishes F-Gas guide
  7. Commission adopts new energy plan
  8. Commission opens private storage aid for pig meat
  9. Find the best fire prevention solution with Tyco
  10. EU meat sector expected to grow despite Russian ban
  11. What’s the future of the food industry?
  12. Russia faces exceptional fall in meat imports

