The Frisbee project is a European Union funded 4-year Project to provide new tools, concepts and solutions for improving refrigeration technologies along the European food cold chain. The objective of the FRISBEE (Food Refrigeration Innovations for Safety, consumers’ Benefit, Environmental impact and Energy optimisation along the cold chain in Europe) project is to provide newtools, concepts and solutions for improving refrigeration technologies along the European food cold chain. At all stages the needs of consumer and European industry will be considered. Στη βιβλιοθήκη των μελών μας ανοίγει φάκελος με την ονομασία «FRISBEE PROJECT» όπου σταδιακά θα αναρτηθούν όλα τα εργαλεία, τα αποτελέσματα και οι προτεινόμενες λύσεις. Σήμερα θα βρείτε το παρακάτω αρχείο αναρτημένο: Temperature monitoring techniques and traceability systems along the cold chainThe aim of this deliverable is the systematic review of tools and methods used to monitor temperature conditions and assure traceability. Conventional and novel approaches are explored including temperature logging, transmission systems like Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Technology, intelligent packaging, Time-temperature indicators (TTIs)and Radio Frequency- Time-temperature indicators (RF-TTIs). These techniques inpractice have contributed to improve the management of the cold chain with regard to product quality and safety, energy consumption and environmental impact is assessed. [ΠΗΓΗ:] |