In the framework of the European Commission’s commitment to smart Regulation, a so –called Fitness Check of the General Food Law (Regulation 178/2002) is currently conducted. The Commission has appointed an external contractor to make a study among members of the DG SANCO Stakeholder Group on the food chain in order to establish if Regulation 178/2002 is still fit for purpose. Στη βιβλιοθήκη μας στο φάκελο ecsla υποφάκελος ενημέρωση από ecsla βρείτε τα παρακάτω έγγραφα: ·ECSLA NAC 02.15DG SANCO questionnaire on general food law ·ECSLA NAC 02.15DG SANCO Att.1. questions relating to article 18 ·ECSLA NAC 02.15DG SANCO Att 2. questions relating to article 17 [ΠΗΓΗ] |