Allocation of quota: 2016 quotas have been allocated to companies that made a declaration in the period 1 May – 30 June 2015 ("New Entrants"), and to incumbent companies (see definition below) based ontheir reference values. Companies concerned are invited to go to the HFC Registry to consult their quotas. Quotas for New Entrants are allocated on a yearly basis based on a declaration process. The next declaration period for 2017 quota will take place in Spring 2016 and will be announced in the Official Journal. Authorisations of quota: Authorisations agreed between a quota holder and an importer of precharged equipment can now be entered online in the HFC Registry. Guidance will be released soon. Transfer of quota: The online mechanism for transferring bulk quota from one company to another is now available in the HFC Registry guidance document. Registration: All companies that need to register in the HFC Registry can do so now (Guidance document for the registration process). This includes importers of equipment containing HFCs and all entities supplying or receiving exempted gases such as those HFCs imported for destruction, for use as feedstock, directly exported in bulk, as well as foruse in military equipment, in semiconductor manufacture or for metered doseinhalers (MDIs). This also includes all companies who will have to report on F-gas related activities according to Art. 19, such as imports of gases or precharged equipment, EU production and export of gases, stocks, destruction and others. Regulation (EU) No517/2014 foresees the implementation of a phase-down of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) under which the placing on the market of HFCs by each undertaking is subject to quantitative limits. From 1January 2015 a quota is required for producers and importers placing at least 100 tonnes of CO2 equivalent of HFCs in bulk on the market in a calendar year. The European Commission allocates quotas in accordance with Article 16, as well as Annexes V and VI, of the Regulation. The quotas are allocated in tonnes CO2 equivalent to importers and producers of 'bulk' gases. Quotas are not allocated to producers and importers of gases contained in products and equipment. An electronic registry for quota for placing HFCs on the market, the HFC Registry, has been set up in line with Article 17 of the Regulation. Registration in the HFC Registry is compulsory for companies to receive a quota. It is also compulsory for producers and importers supplying, or undertakings in receipt of HFCs for the purpose listed in Article 15 (2), namely HFCs imported for destruction, for use as feedstock,directly exported in bulk, as well as for use in military equipment, in semiconductor manufacture or for metered dose inhalers (MDIs). Quota Allocation ProcessIn the quota allocation process, a distinction is made between two types of companies: (1) IncumbentsIncumbents are companies that have reported, in compliance with Regulation (EC) No842/2006, having placed more than 1 metric tonne of HFCs on the Union market in at least one year in the period 2009 to 2012. They may thus be allocated a quota on the basis of a reference value as well as by declaring additional anticipated quantities in accordance with Article 16 (1), (4) and (5), and Annexes V and VI of the Regulation. The reference value is calculated as the reported yearly average of the placing on the market from 2009-2012.When calculating the reference value, the Commission should take into account available data related to uses that are exempted from the phase-down in Article15 (2) points (a) to (e) of the Regulation. Incumbents have been allocated Reference Values by Commission Implementing Decision (2014/774/EU) of 31/10/2014, which lists the names of the companies concerned. The reference values themselves have been communicated byletter to each Incumbent. The quota of Incumbents for 2016 will be 89% of their reference value multiplied by the phase-down factor (93% for 2016). As the required quantities declared by 'NewEntrants' exceed the New Entrant Reserve, Incumbents will not receive any top-up from the New Entrants Reservefor 2016. Incumbents can also see their reference values and allocated quotasin the HFC Registry directly. (2) New entrantsNew Entrants are those companies that have not reported according to Regulation (EC) No 842/2006 in the period 2009-2012. Quotas may be allocated to these entities on the basis of a pro rata distribution taking into account the declared needs (refer to Annex VI of Regulation (EU) 517/2014). Declaration of need and allocation of quota is repeated on a yearly basis. The allocation process for 2016 quota is closed and will reopen in Spring 2016, for 2017 quota. The submission of the declaration of intention to place HFCs on the market by itself does not give any right to place HFCs on the market in 2016. Who has to report?·Producers,importers or exporters that produced, imported or exported one metric tonne or 100 tonnes of CO2 equivalent or more fluorinated greenhouse gases and gases listed in Annex II, including companies (producersor importers) to which quotas have been transferred ·Undertakings that destroyed one metric tonne or 1 000 tonnes of CO2 equivalent or more of fluorinated greenhouse gases and gases listed in Annex II ·Undertakings that used 1 000 tonnes of CO2 equivalent of fluorinated greenhouse gases as feedstock ·Undertakings that placed 500 tonnes of CO2 equivalent of fluorinated gases orgases listed in Annex II contained in products or equipment on the market (but no obligation to report if these gases were bought on the EUmarket or imported as bulk ("released for free circulation") previous to being put in the equipment) ·Undertakings that placed on the market pre-charged refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump equipment where hydrofluorocarbons contained in this equipment have not previously been placed on the Union market Please note that reporting is normally done at the company level (not the facility level). What needs to be reported?The reporting requirements dependon the role of the reporting company in the market. A new reporting tool inline with the new F-gas regulation specifies all the required information thatis relevant for the specific activities. [ΠΗΓΗ:] |