Στη βιβλιοθήκητων μελών μας στο φάκελο «ECSLA» υποφάκελο «NEWSLETTERS 2015» θα βρείτε το ενημερωτικό δελτίοτης ECSLA για το μήνα Ιούνιο. Περιεχόμενα τεύχους - World meat production to grow by 1,3 % in 2015
- European Parliament publishes draft report on health and safety at work
- Commission launches the 10th edition of the sustainable energy week
- Kloosterboer expands its network in Norway
- Partner logistics wins FSDF health and safety awards
- Findus confirms trade talks with Nomad Holdings
- Belgium signs deal with China on pork meat exports
- DHL expands its cold chain network services in Europe
- China’s new food safety law could boost significantly international trade
- Picard’s expansion to Sweden proofs once again the importance of Scandinavia’s frozen food market
[ΠΗΓΗ:http://www.ecsla.eu/] |