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 Νέα > Νέα 2016 > THE NxtHPG PROJECT

The project "Next Generation of Heat Pumps working with Natural fluids" (in short NxtHPG), aims at the development of a set of safe, reliable, high efficiency and high capacity heat pumps working with Hydrocarbons and CO².

NxtHPG project is targeted at producing a definitive step forward to the launch of a high capacity heat pump technology employing natural refrigerants, that can become the future solution for heating and cooling on both new and existing buildings.

With full capabilities for integration into the future energy systems of the buildings, those significantly contributes to transformation of the Sector into renewable and efficient systems and to the minimization of EU energy consumption and CO² emissions.

Στη βιβλιοθήκη των μελών μας σε νέο φάκελο με την ονομασία NxtHPG PROJECT θα βρείτε το πρώτο αρχείο με την ονομασία «Review of cases where new heat pumps with natural fluids could have good prospects of application»
