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 Νέα > Νέα 2015 > ECSLA INDUSTRY NEWS JUNE 2015

Στη βιβλιοθήκητων μελών μας στο φάκελο «ECSLA» υποφάκελο «NEWSLETTERS 2015» θα βρείτε το ενημερωτικό δελτίοτης  ECSLA για το μήνα Ιούνιο.


Περιεχόμενα τεύχους

  1. World meat production to grow by 1,3 % in 2015
  2. European Parliament publishes draft report on health and safety at work
  3. Commission launches the 10th edition of the sustainable energy week
  4. Kloosterboer  expands its network in Norway
  5. Partner logistics wins FSDF health and safety awards
  6. Findus confirms trade talks with Nomad Holdings
  7. Belgium signs deal with China on pork meat exports
  8. DHL expands its cold chain network services in Europe
  9. China’s new food safety law could boost significantly international trade
  10.  Picard’s expansion to Sweden proofs once again the importance of Scandinavia’s frozen food market

